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第十五节 模拟会议

一. 请听录音,并翻译

1. 英译汉

First of all, I wish to extend a warm Hong Kong welcome to all of you. Hong Kong, China is deeply honoured to be the host of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation. //

This week, under this very roof, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment; to generate wealth on a broader and deeper scale globally; // and, most important of all, to help alleviate the pain of poverty for millions of people living in the poorer parts of this world. I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the centre of this admirable enterprise. //

I cannot emphasise strongly enough the importance of the WTO. It is the only international organization that deals with the rules of trade between economies. // It is the rules-based forum at which 149 Member Economies negotiate agreements and resolve disputes over trade issues. //

The WTO is also a powerful force in countering the currents of protectionism and discrimination which are responsible to a large extent for the economic hardship suffered by less wealthy and less well-endowed economies. // And, ultimately, the WTO is a key component in the global effort to attain the United Nations' Millennium Goal of Development in tackling the scourge of poverty and hunger. //

Nor can I over-emphasise the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong. As a small, externally-oriented economy with no natural resources other than a magnificent deep water port, Hong Kong has relied on free trade and an entrepreneurial and hardworking population to transform this once sleepy fishing village into an international and regional business hub. //

So I urge you to take some time during the next few days, and after the conference if you can, to look around our great city. You will see why President Bill Clinton once described Hong Kong as Exhibit A in the case for global interdependence and its benefits. //

As a free trader, our support for the multilateral trading system is unconditional. And it goes back a long way. We became a separate Contracting Party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986. We were a founding Member of the WTO in 1995. Our Membership did not change after reunification in 1997. // Indeed, Hong Kong's continued participation in the WTO, and in international trade agreements under the name "Hong Kong, China", is enshrined in the Basic Law, the constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We treasure the certainty, protection and benefits that the WTO brings to our economy and community. //

We offered to host this Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference because we recognized that it would become a key staging post to the successful conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda. // We want to play our part in the collective effort to realize the ambitions of the Round. We regard the WTO Members' acceptance of our offer as a recognition of our contribution to the multilateral trading system, and an acknowledgement of our competence as a world city in handling whatever challenges that may arise from the Ministerial Conference. //

We in Hong Kong are determined to make this important event a success. Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely, frankly and constructively in the coming days. // He has travelled the globe taking part in many of the key meetings which have paved the way for the negotiations that will take place over the next few days. //

Thousands of men and women in our community - civil servants, legislators, District Councillors, NGO members, business leaders, service providers, volunteers, and citizens of Hong Kong - have been working tirelessly since the WTO accepted our offer to host this Conference two years ago. // We have a common objective: we want to stage a Conference that is well organized, transparent, inclusive, and above all, efficient. The fruits of this community-wide endeavour are now before you. //

Ladies and gentlemen, we are at an historic juncture. Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members. While I acknowledge that in some parts of the world this goal is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity, the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda must press ahead. We must vigorously defend the integrity and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system. //

This Conference is a golden opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective resolve to improve the lives of peoples throughout the world through progressive trade liberalization. That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched four years ago in Doha. //

This week, all eyes are on Hong Kong. As host and Chair of the Conference, we will do our utmost to bring about a successful outcome. But we cannot do it ourselves. We are relying on your support and commitment to accomplish this mission. I am sure it will be forthcoming. //

(Donald Tsing, Chief Executive of HKSAR at the opening ceremony of the 6thMinisterial Conference of WTO in Hong Kong, )

2. 汉译英



一年前,我们在北京举行了首次中美战略经济对话,使胡锦涛主席和布什总统达成的创建中美战略经济对话机制的共识成为现实。// 一年来,在中美两国国家元首的密切关注和指导之下,中美战略经济对话机制日趋成熟,发挥着日益重要的作用, 对中美两国经贸关系乃至整体关系的稳定和发展产生着越来越重要的积极影响,受到中美两国人民乃至世界各国的广泛关注。//

首次中美战略经济对话的主题是中美两国的发展道路和经济发展战略,第二次对话我们重点就影响中美经济关系的若干热点问题进行了讨论。 //本次对话则是在更为广泛的经济全球化的大背景之下,研究中美经济关系的现状和未来的发展方向。//

我认为本次对话的主题“抓住经济全球化的机遇和应对经济全球化的挑战”,既有战略高度,又立足于现实的经济问题。 // 它顺应了当今世界经济发展的主流和趋势,反映了中美两国人民十分关注的重点问题,也体现了中美两国妥善解决经济关系快速发展过程中产生的矛盾和问题、深化合作的共同愿望。//

围绕这一主题,会议将探讨应对经济全球化挑战的政策措施、强化贸易诚信、加强在产品质量和食品安全领域的合作、促进经济平衡发展、加强在能源和环境领域的合作和改善投资环境。// 我相信根据这一主题,通过对重点问题的讨论,会议一定能为深化中美两国经贸合作、推进中美建设性合作关系的发展作出新的贡献。//



中美贸易额从1972年尼克松总统访华时几乎为零的状态,发展到今年有望突破3000亿美元大关,双方互为第二大贸易伙伴,中国连续五年成为美国增长最快的出口市场。// 这是中美两国共同努力的结果,凝聚着两国有识之士为双边经贸关系发展付出的大量心血。//

当然,毋庸讳言,中美经贸关系快速发展的过程中,也出现了一些矛盾和问题。对于这些矛盾和问题,只能通过对话和磋商加以解决。// 中美经贸关系的历史发展过程反复提示我们,对话胜于对抗,协商胜于指责。我们要以建设性的态度努力解决好中美经贸关系中出现的问题,包括双方共同努力采取综合措施,逐步缓解中美贸易不平衡问题。 // 并且通过化解矛盾、解决纠纷,将中美经贸关系不断推向新的高度,从而使中美两国既是利益攸关方、又是建设性合作者的关系具有更加坚实的经济基础。//


经济全球化的快速发展,中美经贸关系的不断深化,使中美两国人民经济生活的方方面面联系更加密切,形成“你中有我、我中有你、互利共赢”的经贸关系。// 我们均希望对方的经济能够不断持续地向前发展,从而使我们各自经济发展具有更广阔的对外合作空间。//

正因为如此,我们不能同意某些利益集团以一己之私利,损害互惠共赢的双边经济关系。我们坚决反对把经贸问题政治化,坦率而言,经贸问题政治化损害的不仅是对方利益,而且将两败俱伤。// 我特别关切美国国会迄今提出的50多项保护主义色彩浓厚的涉华经贸议案,我必须坦率地告诉鲍尔森财长和各位美国同事,这些议案如获通过,势必严重损害中美经贸关系。美国的企业家和美国的有识之士,已经认识到贸易保护主义倾向的严重后果和影响。//

我也愿提醒大家注意9月26日美国160家跨国公司和行业协会致美国国会的联名信。签署这封信的公司,既包括英特尔、微软、IBM、惠普这样的高科技公司,也有沃尔玛、百思买等大型零售店;既有花旗集团、摩根斯坦利、纽约人寿等主要金融机构,也包括可口可乐、宝洁、雪弗龙、通用电器等大型工业企业。 // 联名信特别强调,对华贸易制裁只会导致弊大于利的结果。使用贸易保护主义做法,要求某一国家为美国经济自身存在的结构性问题承担责任,不仅无效,而且将损害美国的利益。//

我还要指出,双方在环境和能源领域具有进一步深化合作的巨大潜力,我们要进一步扩大合作领域,争取取得新的合作成果。// 在中美经贸不平衡方面,我曾反复表明,中方不刻意追求大额贸易顺差,我们的政策是实现国际收支的基本平衡。解决好中美贸易不平衡问题,需要我们双方共同努力。//

鲍尔森财长,在中美经贸关系历史发展的关键时刻,我们将要举行的第三次中美战略经济对话具有特别的意义。// 我期待着通过本次对话,中美双方将深化经济全球化对中美两国经济影响的认识,在具体议题的讨论上取得重大进展,有助于中美经贸关系中出现问题的解决和矛盾的化解,坚定不移地贯彻中美两国国家元首关于中美战略经济对话的共识,推动中美经贸关系的不断向前发展,造福于中美两国人民。预祝第三次中美战略经济对话取得成功! //

(胡锦涛主席特别代表、国务院副总理吴仪在第三次中美战略经济对话开幕式上的致辞 (2007年12月12日)

二. 参考译文

1. 英译汉译文

















2. 汉译英译文

Dear Secretary Henry Paulson, Dear colleagues,

I am delighted to welcome you to attend the Third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue.

This time last year, following the agreement reached between President Hu Jiantao and President Bush, we held the First China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue in Beijing. Since then, thanks to the personal attention paid and guidance given by the two presidents, the SED mechanism has grown in strength. Attracting widespread public attention in both countries and the international community, it has played an increasingly important role in ensuring the stability and growth of not only China-US business ties, but also our overall relations.

The First China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue focused on the Development Road and Economic Development Strategy of China and the United States. During the second Dialogue, we discussed key issues concerning China-US business relations. And we are meeting for this round of the Dialogue to review the current state of these relations in the broader context of economic globalization and look ahead at their future growth.

The theme for the Dialogue, namely, Seizing the Opportunities of Economic Globalization and Dealing with the Challenges of Economic Globalization, is of both strategic and practical significance. It echoes the trend of the current global economic development, addresses key issues of concern to both China and the United States, and demonstrates our shared desire to resolve difficulties and problems that have occurred in the course of the rapid growth of bilateral business ties and deepen China-US cooperation.

Under this theme, we will discuss such topics as policy steps to meet challenges posed by economic globalization, integrity of trade, cooperation on product quality and food safety, balanced economic development, cooperation on energy and environmental protection, and investment environment improvement. I am confident that our discussions on both the general theme and specific topics of the Dialogue will help boost both China-US business ties and the growth of China-US constructive and cooperative relations.

I wish to take this opportunity to discuss the future growth of our business relations and the priority areas we need to focus on. .

First, China and the United States are both stakeholders and constructive partners. We need to fully appreciate the important weight this relationship carries and the fact that business ties are both the foundation and a key area of the overall China-US relations.

In 1972, when late President Nixon made his first visit to China, our trade was almost non-existent. By contrast, it is expected to exceed US$ 300 billion. China and the United States are each other's second largest trading partners, and China has been the fastest growing export market for the United States for five consecutive years. We owe such progress to the joint efforts of both countries, and we salute all the people in both countries who have worked so hard to build strong business ties between the two countries.

In the course of the rapid growth of China-US business relations, some difficulties and problems have occurred. This is normal, and these difficulties and problems can only be resolved through dialogue and consultation. The history of China-US business relations has repeatedly shown us that it is dialogue and consultation, not confrontation and finger pointing, that have enabled the relations to grow. We should address issues in our business relations in a constructive way. We should make joint efforts and adopt comprehensive measures to ease trade imbalance and resolve disputes so as to further boost our business relations. And this will lay a more solid economic foundation for growing the relations between China and the Unites States who are both stakeholders and constructive partners.

Second, we should strengthen strategic mutual trust, enhance mutual understanding and accommodate each other's concerns through deepened dialogue and consultation.

Thanks to accelerated economic globalization, the growing China-US business relations featuring interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win progress have brought our two peoples increasingly closer to each other. We all hope that both our economies will enjoy sustained growth so as to create more opportunities to expand cooperation in the interest of our respective development.

This is why we must not allow some interest groups to harm our win-win business relations in pursuit of their selfish interests. We must oppose attempt to politicize trade issues. Politicizing trade issues will harm the interests of not just one side, but both sides. I am particularly concerned about the 50 or so protectionist China-related bills introduced in the US Congress. Secretary Paulson and other American colleagues, I need to be quite candid about this: If these bills are adopted, they will severely undermine US business ties with China. I have noticed that the American business community and public figures with vision have seen the grave consequences of protectionism.

I also wish to draw your attention to a joint letter sent by 160 US multinational corporations and industry associations to the Congress on 26 September. The American corporations which signed the letter include high-tech companies such as Intel, Microsoft, IBM and HP, mega retail store chains such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy, major financial institutions including Citibank, Morgan Stanley, New York Life and leading American companies like Coco-cola, Procter & Gamble, Chevron and General Electric. It is emphasized in the letter that US trade sanctions against China would only cause negative impact rather than a positive one. Obviously, to resort to trade protectionism and blame another country for the structural problems in the US economy is the wrong approach which would only harm the interest of United States itself.

I also wish to stress that there is enormous potential for further bilateral cooperation in the fields of environment and energy. We need to expand areas of cooperation and make new progress in them. As to China-US trade imbalance, I have repeatedly stated that China has no intention to seek large trade surplus with the United States. Our policy is to maintain a basic balance in international payments. To address China-US trade imbalance requires the concerted efforts of both sides.

Secretary Paulson, The Third round of Strategic Economic Dialogue carries special significance as it is being held at an important stage in our business relations. I hope that through this Dialogue, we will gain a better understanding of the impact of economic globalization on our respective economies, and make major progress on specific issues on the agenda of the Dialogue. This will help us narrow differences and mitigate problems in our business relations, fully implement the agreement between the two presidents on the SED and grow our business relations to the benefit of our two peoples. In conclusion, I wish the Third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue every success!

Opening Remarks at the Third China-US Strategic Economic DialoguebyWu Yi, Special Representative of President Hu Jintao and Vice Premier of the State Council)


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