Our talks will be based on one purpose---to advance our economic relations, particularly in the pursuit of trade, maritime and aviation agreements. Despite our differences, we approach this work with a shared belief that from cooperation will come importance benefits for both your country and ours. The words and details of the agreements over which we must labor are important steps towards a more and more peaceful and prosperous world. The Opportunities before us in the next several days are historic.
Like the entire international community, the United Nations is faced with unprecedented opportunities and extraordinary challenges. In order to better adapt to an ever-changing world the United Nations needs to continue our reform and further improve its efficiency. World peace and development needs the United Nations while the success of the UN depends on the support and cooperation of all its member states. Together with may other UN member states, China is ready to fulfill the duties prescribed in the UN charter and to contribute its share to a strengthened role of this organization in the world affairs.
中国广州市白云区白云大道北2号 510420 (北校区) | 中国广州市番禺区小谷围广州大学城 510006 (南校区) 版权所有:广东外语外贸大学同声传译实验教学中心