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Passage 15

Director General Wang Xiaochun, Mr. Blake Hastings and members of the delegation from Mexico and the United States, President He of CCPIT Shenzhen,

I welcome you this morning. I’m delighted to see that what we have here is what I call the true international gathering, where partnerships between China, Mexico and United States can result in all parties winning, and all parties benefiting from international transaction. I do believe this to be the very first of its kind in China. It is spearheaded by some very able business leaders from Mexico and the United States, spearheaded by Free Trade Alliance of San Antonio and the port of San Antonio. And I’m delighted to see that we begin here today in China to try to make a difference where through this transaction our business can ship faster and cheaper to the United States, to the North American market as a whole, and at the same time, while we benefit Mexico, we also benefit ourselves and create jobs in the United States.

Now since I have my friends from U.S. and Mexico here, and since I have many of you from China, I would like to bring your attention to this report, which we released last week. It’s a report issued by the American Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong on the state of business in Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta area. I’m happy to report that under the leadership of Guangdong government and all the local governments of Pearl River Delta area, which includes Shenzhen, that the state of business in southern China, in southern China’s Guangdong and Pearl River Delta area is excellent. Director General Wang Xiaochun, you’ve done very well because more than 90% of the companies, international, U.S., particularly companies you have assisted to settle in Shenzhen are extremely happy with the business environment here. When we look at the profitability of our companies, we are looking at a more than 91% profitability rate within our companies, considering that 8% percent of our companies have been here less than two years, and 16% of our companies have been here between 3 to 5 years. And I haven’t considered that 76% are already profitable, 8% will be profitable by the end of this year, 7% will be profitable by the end of next year, and up to a 91% profitability, less than 2% expect to take more than 5 years to become profitable. There is no such track record anywhere in the world. So President He, Director General Wang, I congratulate you for your great accomplishment, and I congratulate the Party Secretary and the Mayor of the city who have achieved so much.

Now when they ask our companies why they set up in the Pearl River Delta area, The No 1 reason why they set up in this area was not the manufacture and export to the United States. The No 1 reason why they invest in the Pearl River Delta area is to take advantage of the vast market that is now made available in the Pear River Delta area. And that means in Shenzhen a great market exists for our companies to invest, produce goods, sell and be profitable here. The second reason why people invest in the Pearl River Delta area and in Guangdong is proximity to Hong Kong. Now when you look at Shenzhen, which is located directly next to Hong Kong. It is perhaps, in my opinion, it is the most attractive place for American companies to invest. So I encourage all American businesses to definitely take a very good look at Shenzhen, which has a very open government, a very supportive government and a government that wants to help guarantee your investment and your success. The reason is obvious, with the hard work of CCPIT under President He and Director General Wang, you have gathered here in order for us to begin this cooperation.

With that I congratulate everyone for being here, I thank you and I will turn the microphone back to those who will actually tell you how you can save money by doing business with the U.S. through Mexico, thank you.

(Full text of the remarks by Harley Seyedin, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong at the China-US Logistic Cooperation Conference in Shenzhen on April 4, 2006, as transcribed)









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