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Passage 11

Hello! First of all,thank you, Mr. Lan, for your nice introduction and it was also a nice introduction by Mr. Zhong, Executive Vice Governor.

It is truly a great pleasure to be here and it’s inspiring to talk on the theme of Social Responsibility. It is also inspiring to lead Ericsson. And the fact that the, yes, and the fact that providing mobile telephoning to the world is … I think there are few products that has been invented that has meant so much to people as the mobile phone. It’s fascinating to think about China today with 380 million people have their own phone and we can communicate in a better way. And, anyway, it is a great pleasure to be here, I’m very glad to be invited. For me it’s a great opportunity to share with you our Ericsson’s views on the importance and experience of Corporate Social Responsibility. In recent years, and I would say, due to increasing economic globalization and liberalization, the pressing environmental issues, and a number of serious corporate failures, people are changing their view of the role of corporations in our society.

Traditionally, the role of corporations has been understood primarily in economic terms. Now increasingly, stakeholders, like shareholders, investors, communities, regulators, employees, and customers, are looking into corporate responsibility in a much broader perspective. And it includes not only economic performance, but also social and environmental performance factors, such as business ethics, corporate governance, environmental policies, corporate contributions, community development, and also workplace issues.

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has now been adopted to describe an organization’s overall commitment of meeting the stakeholders’ expectations of economical, environmental, social and governance performance.

We at Ericsson, we strongly believe that a company to be accountable needs to have three kinds of responsibility: economic prosperity, social and also governance performance and three kinds of responsibility: economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity.

We manage our CSR, as we call it, activities through a cross-functional competence network from relevant parts of the organization. This enables us not only to secure a focus for expertise globally, but also facilitate cooperation on common themes across the entire Ericsson.

We are one of the first companies to endorse the United Nations Global Compact and have incorporated the 10 principles into our daily operations.

Here, I’d like to talk about two of our focuses in the implementation of CSR: one is Corporate Governance from a management point of view; and the other is Corporate Culture from employees’ commitment perspective.

In the business sectors, the traditional governance model positions management as accountable solely to investors and its, and shareholders. But now more and more companies accept that shareholders, that stakeholders, other than shareholders, have an ownership interest in the corporation.

A company must therefore include accountability to the full range of stakeholders. The idea is the foundation of CSR and provides the link between CSR and corporate governance.

Ericsson’s relevant stakeholders comprise a broad and diverse group of interests.

We believe that stakeholder engagement is fundamental to the way we operate as part of a larger community and also essential for us in promoting and supporting sustainable development.

To engage our stakeholders, we adopt a number of approaches for communications and for interactions:

We take an active role in public forums in areas related to our operations and activities such as regulatory issues and standardization;

Secondly, our management at all levels regularly briefs employees on our performance and results and plans;

Thirdly, we also regularly inform investors, financial analysts, industry analysts, media of our performance, our prospects and our strategies;

And finally, the annual general shareholders’ meeting gives shareholders the opportunities to raise questions regarding the development of the company.

We see that corporate governance and CSR are key determinants of a corporation’s relationships with the world.

In Ericsson, we have integrated CSR as a key element in our core values and our ways of working.

Our ways of working are based on a set of core values and principles. These are three and they are Professionalism, Respect and Perseverance. These values define our corporate culture and they have been shared among the employees for now more than 15 years.

While our values direct our personal behavior, our guiding principles frame the way that we do business. In 2004, every employee, every of our 54,000 employees, received the Code of Business Ethics to read and to sign.

Being present in 140 countries, we are committed ourselves, as a responsible member of a global society, to supporting the needs of local communities. We encourage and we empower our employees to make a positive contribution to society and the communities where we work and we live. Their contributions are many of kind, determined by our employees according to the local needs.

There are a number of business benefits for a company to be engaged in CSR activities and I believe this is very important.

The benefit can be found in relation to building good corporate reputation and enhancing branding image. In some circumstances, reputation as a good citizen may help a company to build good relationships with various stakeholders and also to attract good employees.

Secondly, there is a growing trend in the investment community to use environmental and social performance factors to evaluate a company’s suitability for investment. In Europe, this trend is supported by the creation of the new financial indices, such as Dow Jones Sustainable Index, which publicly rank major international companies according to their environmental and social performance. For example, in the latest review of CSR leadership by Dow Jones Sustainable Indices, Ericsson has taken the position as the Super Sector Leader within the Technology Sector.

Thirdly, CSR programs will also contribute to increased employees’ morale and motivation and these, in turn, translate into greater productivity. There is a growing evidence that companies with strong CSR commitments often find it easier to recruit and retain high quality employees. CSR appears to be growing in importance as a factor that influence individual choices of where to work.

Fourthly, it improves a company’s competitiveness and market positioning. More and more companies come to realize that their investment in CSR pays off in improved access to market, including customer loyalty, security in existing markets and attractiveness in new markets.

So in conclusion, I would like to say that CSR is gaining momentum in recent years, but there are of course new challenges ahead. It is vitally important for a company management to understand the necessity to drive CSR as part of its business performance.

On the other hand, the integration of CSR into the corporate values will help us to get the collective force of individual strength for our company to sustainable development, not only the company, but also for the society as a whole.

Thank you very much for your attention. Thank you!

(Full text of the remarks by Carl-Henric Svanberg, President of Ericsson Corporation at the Enterprise Forum of the 2005 International Consultative Conference on the Future Economic Development of Guangdong Province on November 18, 2005, as transcribed)





































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