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Dialogue 4 – In a Negotiation Room在谈判室


British representative:I love the way we worked together. Glad as well that we’ve moved so far. It fully shows the sincerity from both companies.


British representative:Alright, let’s get to the payment issue. What’s your proposed method of payment?


British representative:Well, that’s not pretty much what we usually practice. I know L/C protects the interests of both parties and sure I also opt for an irrevocable one. But the ratio and combination might not be acceptable to us.


British representative:We usually take the approach of D/A, which is based on our reputation in UK and worldwide in terms of payment promptness and adequacy. I think our record tells its own story, otherwise we would not be inviting the interests of many global companies.


British representative:You know that in the UK, companies like us, which fail to pay upon receiving the delivered goods, shall be punished severely by law. And usually they are banned from entering the business for an extended period of time.


British representative:Now that I know it, then let’s see whether we can meet each other half way.


British representative:That’s right. You see that we just agreed upon a big order and the price per unit is also high. We are currently negotiating other projects, so our cash flow may be running short.


British representative:Let me see. Well, we can only guarantee a payment in advance at 20%. That’s the maximum that our cash flow can allow.


British representative:I’m afraid not. As I said, an irrevocable L/C can be considered since it bears greater sincerity on our side. But L/C at sight carries too much financial burden on us.


British representative:I’d like to suggest L/C 60 days after sight. It might be more risky, but for many internationally renowned corporations, it’s become a norm.


British representative:Well, this forward L/C can give you a couple of advantages. It helps you win more international clients and banks love that. You can actually leverage on that for financing purpose.


British representative:So what’s your proposal for that?


British representative:Then that’s a deal. 25% payment in advance by T/T and 75% by L/C 60 days after sight. It’s all for the best of both.


British representative:No problem! Let’s proceed with the next item.


Chinese representative:Mr. Holmes, glad that we’ve reached agreement on price and delivery. We are very efficient today.


Chinese representative:Sure, sincerity brings us together. Well, I think we should come to payment now.


Chinese representative:In light of our custom, we hope you can pay a 30% deposit in T/T and the remaining 70% in irrevocable L/C at sight, which is for the best interests of both.


Chinese representative:It’s open for further negotiation. What’s your usual practice of payment?


Chinese representative:As a well-known player in this industry, your reputation is beyond any doubt. But, if you place yourself in our shoes, you’ll excuse us for being cautious in our first cooperation. And this is our customary practice: deposit first and balance with L/C. We are not prepared to give you exceptional treatment.


Chinese representative:I believe that. I’ve also studied UK regulations and come to know that companies in developed countries have greater integrity. But this is business; it’s proof-based, especially when this is our first shot.


Chinese representative:Great, see if we can get one. D/A is too risky for us and we suffered losses from it. You don’t like that 30/70 proportion?


Chinese representative:Then that means you can accept the combination of deposit by T/T and balance by L/C. What’s your proposed proportion?


Chinese representative:What about the other 80%? Still in irrevocable L/C at sight?


Chinese representative:So what’s in your mind? Great to see our gap narrowing.


Chinese representative:You just adjusted the proportion AND adopted another type of L/C, which embarrassed us. We also have cash flow pressure, and our large inventory consumes much production space and capital.


Chinese representative:I understand. But, as you mentioned, it’s a big order in volume and monetary value. We need capital also in production. If the capital chain breaks down, no one wins, right?


Chinese representative:You said we should meet each other half way, but you’ve not moved yet. We hope you can make concession on deposit, that is, 25% in T/T.


Chinese representative:That’s it, a win-win result. Let’s continue with other details.



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