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Dialogue 1 – In a Tianjin cafeteria在一间天津咖啡馆里


Allan:Yes, the city is quite impressive, especially its architectural styles. There are many elegant traditional Chinese buildings and more amazingly so many buildings of different western styles ---- the Medieval British, Gothic German, Romantic French, Classical Russia and the Athenian Style of Greece! Amazing!


Allan:There must be many stories about those building.


Allan:Yeah, a city of different culture. Speaking of multi-culture, there must many religious buildings, aren't there?


Allan:What are in most famous? Let’s say, Catholic Churches for example?


Allan:Do we have time today to take a look at it?


Allan:Yes, I have heard of the story. How about other religions?


Allan:How big is the Islamic community in Tianjin?


Allan:I see.


Allan:I wish I could visit all these places. It’s always exciting to follow the footprints of history. Well, Lu, tell me something about Chinese religion. Is Confucianism the biggest religion in China?


Allan:Is it in downtown city? Is it still open?


Allan:Maybe I should pay a visit there before my dissertation defense.


Allan:I do have a lot to learn. I love Chinese culture. It always fascinates me. Hey, Lu, where is our next stop?


Allan:The Goddess Temple?


Allan:Who is the Goddess worshipped there?


Allan:I can’t wait. Let’s hurry!


Lu:Allan, do you find the architectural styles of Tianjin different and unique?


Lu:Tianjin is reputed as “theExposition of International Architectures”. It boasts over 2000 buildings of historical architectural style and many century-old buildings are well-preserved.


Lu:Well, that's true. Many buildings in the famous “Five main Roads” area and the Italian concession area were residences of historic figures in modern and contemporary Chinese history. There are residences of Puyi, the last emperor of Qing Dynasty; Ji Hongchang, a patriotic general during the Anti-Japanese War; Liang Qichao, a great scholar, thinker and reformer in modern history of China and Li Shutong or Master Hongyi, a pioneer in the New Culture Movement in the 1910s.


Lu:You are right! There are Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, Taoist temples, Islamic temples, Catholic Churches, Christian Churches, etc.


Lu:The Xikai Catholic Cathedral also called the old Xikai Church or French church is the center of Catholics in Tianjin. It was built by the French Roman Catholic Church in 1917.


Lu:Yes, we do. Another famous Catholic churches is the Wanhailou Church lying just beside the Shizilin Bridge in Hebei District. Also built by the French Roman Catholic Church, it was originally named the “Catholic Church of Notre Dame des Victoires”.


Lu:始建于清顺治元年(公元1644年)的天津清真大寺,是保存完好的宫殿式伊斯兰教建筑群。该寺院落宽敞,建筑宏伟壮丽。Built in 1644, the first year in the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, the Grand Tianjin Mosque is a well-preserved complex known for its palace-style Islamic architecures.


Lu:Well, I do not have the exact figure. But the Xi Beijao area, or the northwestern part of the old city proper used to be compact area for Islamic community and many buildings f Islamic style can still be easily found in that area.


Lu:Tianjin also has friendship with the Jewish community. A book called “The Jews in Tianjin” tells many true stories of the Jewish people in Tianjin. The Jewish Church on Nanjing Road is of the strongest Jewish features in China. In 1948 Jewish people in Tianjin celebrated the founding of the State of Israel here.


Lu:Well,Confucianism is not really a “religion” in its sense. It is a school of thinking originated with the Spring and Autumn Period as of 770BC. Whether there are religions in China is still an academic dispute. You’ll learn a lot more about it in the future. But there do exist a Confucian Temple in Tianjin, called Wenmiao Temple and was a place where ancient people worshipped Confucius.


Lu:Yes, in the center of the old city proper. It was originally built in the Ming Dynasty some 500 hundred years ago and is the largest and best preserved ancient architecture in Tianjin. Many students still pay a visit to the temple now before exams.


Lu:Then you will sure make a success! (Laughing) There is also a big Buddhist Temple in Tianjin Called the Great Compassion Temple. It’s noted for shining its statue of “DaBei Guanyin (a Buddhisattva also called “Qianshou Guanyin”, meaning “Guanyin with a thousand hands”).


Lu:We are going to the Ancient Cultural Street. There lies the famous “Goddess Temple”!


Lu:Tianhou Temple, also called the “Goddess Temple” is situated in the middle part of the Ancient Culture Street. It was built in 1326 and is the earliest of its kind in north China and one of the oldest buildings in Tianjin.


Lu:Enshrined and worshipped there is the “Sea Goddess”, the patron goddess of seamen.



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